Saturday, July 31, 2010

Life is a garden; Update

I shared with all of you the awesome Mother's Day gift the big guy and my girls gave to me. Well, as I promised, here are recent pics from the ever blooming beauty of my garden of love.

And here are the 3 most amazing people I know! The truest loves a woman could ever know!


  1. Love the gladiolous blooms! I had about 300+ bulbs in my garden and 2 years ago during the drought the dirty old voles ate each and every bulb. I was so sad!

  2. All of your flowers are gorgeous. I wished that I have flowers like that. I'm kind of a jealous of those flowers. Lol.

  3. Your garden of love is perfect for its title. You have lovely and gorgeous flowers and I am kind a jealous of it. I can’t wait to have flowers like that.


Love to hear your thoughts on my truth! Please leave some love, insight , or even disagreement with mine. I believe in free thought and speech. Happy Mothering!!