Monday, May 10, 2010

A garden where love grows

Yesterday, did not go according to plan. But does it ever? What's the saying? The road to hell is paved with what??? Oh yeah, good intentions. Hell, probably great intentions. The entire weekend was pretty awesome. If you disregard the groggy feeling that was induced by the Ambien induced sleep. And I thought I was going to awake well rested and ready to conquer the world. Ha! Then there was the freezing weather that we had to till the garden in, if we had any hope of planting this weekend. I know it was my weekend, and my idea for this lovely flower garden, so what kind of an asshole would I have been if I sat by and watched my poor husband till the garden in 40 degree weather? So, I helped. The damn tiller nearly pulled me across the yard and into my neighbors yard, that would have been solid. I'm sure that would have gotten me thrown out of the association. There I am being drug around the garden like a rag doll as my daughters ran a muck and my husband and  I froze our collective asses off, hoping and praying the hundreds of dollars we spent on flowers was not for naught, since there was a frost MAY!!! What? Did this frosty bitch come in just to spite me and eff up my Mothers Day? Seriously! Once all was said and done, my husband and I were too sore to cuddle or have any "romantic" time together. That was Saturday. Then Sunday, the Mother of all days, I woke up late, I woke up grouchy, I woke up sore, I didn't make it to mass, spent the day trying to get the flowers into the garden while my poor husband kept trying to shoo me inside so I could rest. I couldn't rest when there was so much to be done and I surely am not the type to sit around and sit on my ass as he is working like a horse in the garden. Poor guy! The girls were under foot trying to help, slowing the process down even further. God bless 'em they were trying. After all was said and done, I have a beautiful flower garden.We ended the day with a deviation from our usual fancy gourmet meal my husband usually prepares. Instead, we had lovely burgers on the grill, grilled potatoes and corn on the cobb ending the meal with strawberry shortcakes. It may have not been the gourmet meal originally planned, but after a hard day of work it sure hit the spot. In the end, this weekend reminded me that it is not what you do (or don't do) on Mother's Day , it's who you spend it with! I was blessed enough to spend mine working my ass off in my garden with my beautiful family. If the amount of love put into this garden is any indication of how beautiful it will be, I will soon be tending the most gorgeous garden in the city. In my garden of life, a plethora of love surely blooms!


  1. Thanks for the Friday Follow! Following you back :)

  2. Makes me tired just thinking about it! I'm sure it will be lovely. Happy Late Mother's Day!

  3. Even though you were sore and it wasn't the best at least got to spend it with the fam...most important thing!!!
    I like the new blog look...the colors are great!

  4. awwww, it's always the times like these that we fondly remember. When nothing seems to go our way. But your girls and your husband definitely tried to make the best out of it. Glad it all worked out and you got your garden in the end :)

  5. Can't wait to see the garden growing!

  6. That will be a Mother's Day you will never forget! Although I'm sure you could have done without the "frosty bitch". She's been rearing her ugly head here too! BTW, I have an award at my blog for you, I love your posts. Stop by when you can!


Love to hear your thoughts on my truth! Please leave some love, insight , or even disagreement with mine. I believe in free thought and speech. Happy Mothering!!