Monday, June 28, 2010

Oh Burberry, how I love thee!

I am fully aware that it is summer and hot as hell but I just came across these coats and let me tell you, I love them so. I have a bit of a coat fetish as of late and these 3 are so rocking! Makes me wish it were cooler:) Happy Monday!


  1. Thanks for stopping by & following me. Following you now too. ♥

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to get back to you - I had to deliver my little man to camp yesterday and spent the biggest part of Friday and Saturday getting ready to send him off!

    With this coat thing, it is 90 degrees in our office b/c the a/c is broken, I can't even think about a coat right now~! (but they are good looking~!)

    thanks for coming by and following me - following you back now!

  3. Why is it that in summer we think about coats and cozy sweaters, and in winter we wish we could wear floaty summer dresses...? Luckily, I'm in Seattle, so I get lots of chances to throw on a sweater mid-summer ;).

  4. Thanks for the follow...following back now!!
    I love the outfits the girls are wearing in this pic!!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am following you!

  6. I'll take one of each too!!!!

  7. super cute blog -- following you from the bloghop!


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