Friday, April 9, 2010

Help, I've fallen....

OK, well maybe I haven't quite fallen off the Weight Watchers wagon but I am definitely falling. I started this journey about 6 months ago. I had hit the reset button on my  life and was doing really well. I lost 25 lbs in the first 3 months and that is no small feat, especially for a woman in her mid thirties with two small girls. But then a lot of life happened to me and the loss stalled. Problem is its been stalled for about 3 months. I still go get weighed ( even though it is within the same 1 lb every week) and I track my points but this plateau is holding its ground. Now, I don't know if this is payback for having an eating disorder for 7 years of my younger life and my body is trying to punish me in my old age or if I've done something wrong, pissed someone off...or what. All  know is someone needs to push my slightly fat ass back up on that wagon cause I'm quickly losing my footing . Weight loss is an epic adventure no matter what age you are but throw into the mix that your time is monopolized by others who are actually life dependent on you and things get hairy. I am tying to be healthy, to be a good example for my failure is not an option. I have got to keep at this until it works. Basically, I am in this for the rest of my life. I need to refocus, reset, and restart. Here I go, pulling myself back up on that wagon...hey, that at least has to be good for my arms, right?
Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook Momentum Program Edition   Turbo Jam Cardio Party I'm Too Sexy for My Volvo: A Mom's Guide to Staying Fabulous!


  1. Maybe add exercise.

  2. @ Debbie,
    Exercise (Turbo Jam) has been a part of my regime since the beginning...55 minutes 5 times a week.Thanks for the suggestion:)

  3. Thanks for stopping by and I returned the follow! Do you like turbojam? I tried it once and I felt silly. Does it work?


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