Thursday, July 29, 2010

Take me out to the ball game

The Family
Apparently, popsicles on a 95 degree day are a bad idea. Who knew?
Look at my 5 year old,Bella. She looks so serious about her hot dog!
She was chosen to participate in her first ever game of musical chairs...on the ball field. Things may have went differently had she any idea what was going on!
Girls gone wild on the baseball field!
Sisters, could you tell? Apparently, they are my Irish twins. Last week, I posted pics of them both, and everyone kept referring to my beautiful "daughter" . There were 2 of them:) Here's proof.
Daddy and his littlest girl, Gabs, watching the fireworks at the ball field. A perfect ending to a perfect summer day..aside from all the flesh melting heat.

1 comment:

  1. That's just too cute! Gotta love baseball....I just made a crocheted baseball hat today for my son:-)


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