Thursday, June 24, 2010

Book Club anyone?

So, summer reading programs are in full swing. I sign my girls up every year, since Bella's first summer when she was 3 months old. I am sure that the librarian though I was a completely overkill new Mommy. That was OK, I didn't mind. I'd walk into the library dressed all cute, with my super cute little baby dressed in some incredibly adorable outfit with her hair pulled up in the most incredible little bows ( yes, even if I had to use toothpaste to keep those bitches in..they were in)I pranced my blissfully happy ass across the library like I was hot stuff as people oohed and ahhed over my baby. Then I'd pick out about 20 of the cutest little books I could find, trip over my platform sandals and maneuver my way back to the front to check out. Where the librarians would tell me just how awesome a Mommy I was to be reading to my baby and instilling such great literary practices in her little baby brain. I got a little bibliophile gold star. And every time I'd walk in, the same thing would happen. Now, I am sure behind my back they were giggling thinking poor, stupid girl. None the less, I would log the books I read to her and she would pick out some trinket..sticker, board book, pencil ( yes, a pencil for a 3month old..that should have been my first hint...duh) Of course, I too would take part. I had to be a good example for my 3 MONTH OLD!( like she was keeping track..shit,I'm not even sure she could completely see me at that point).
The following summer, pretty much like the first , just as adorable as ever. By this point the librarians know me by name. They smile and coo and know all my general business. Again, Mommy and daughter..prancing our sweet asses in their doing our thing, Me being the best Mommy ever! I was a model library connoisseur. Hell, my favorite librarian even used to set aside new release movies on Tuesday and hold them for me and Bella.What a rocking Librarian.
Fast forward, the next year I have a newborn. More OOhs and AWWWS, because now there is two of them. Dressed just alike with rhyming names, those big blue eyes, and crazy smiles.Of course, Mommy wasn't sporting platform sandals or kitten heels anymore. No, Mommy was wearing flip flops and a pony tail, looking ever so slightly rough around the edges, That's what a toddler and a newborn do to a Mommy. That summer,when they asked if I 'd be participating in the summer reading program I gave a little grumble..put forth an effort and squeezed out 2 books that I may or may not have actually finished reading. I'm leaning towards probably not, but when they know you on a first name gotta at least make the effort to pretend. But I still read to the girls. Bedtime can really rack up those books when you have a toddler who fights sleep!
Fast forward to this year, I have a 3 and 5 year old who run into the library like they own the place. I guess they kinda feel like they do. They walk in and all the librarians flock to them like they are their long last Grammys. Hell, we moved away for 7 months, moved back and all the librarians were celebrating that we were back.It's really sweet, I think they missed their entertainment. But these days, the girls run in..make a mad dash for the children's DVD rack, then head for the Macs, and then the music. I'm too tired to even argue. It never fails, even at the self check out counters, one ( or more) of the librarians make their way over to say hi to the girls. I always feel a little guilty when they eyeball my 10 dvds, 10 cds, and my The tired Mommy's guide to passionate sex book that I have checked out 7 times and never get around to reading because I am so DAMN TIRED! But there are seldom any kids books this summer. So, I reassure them that we do, in fact, have a library in our home..chalked full of kids books ( Which we do) but of course most of the time the kids are running past it to get to the media room.... to watch the aforementioned DVDs ......from the library.
This year when they ambushed me to sign up for the kids reading program, I readily did, as I always do. I also told the girls that we were going to start reading chapter books and once we finished the entire book...I'd rent the movie. It's been a week, and we are almost through with Charlotte's Web. Brilliant, why didn't I think of this sooner? Of course there is another problem, with all those DVDs, somehow...the Wiggles have gone missing. You know the Wiggles DVD that we already owned but my 3 year old had to check out. The Wiggles DVD that will probably cost me $100 to replace. Yeah, that Wiggles DVD ( apparently the one dipped in gold).Then it dawned on me why the librarians really love me and my children so much, all the money I have paid them for lost and misplaced DVD's and CD's ( never books). I'm probably part owner of that place as much money as I have put into it. The moral of the story....Read a book. Skip the DVD. A book cost $15 to replace, a DVD dipped in gold quite a bit more. Having the librarians still ooh and awww, even when you come in wearing tennis shoes, a crooked ponytail, a spit up t-shirt and yoga pants ( though the kids are still dressed cute) PRICELESS!


  1. Cute post. I liked it.

    Take the Caring For Toddlers test and find out how good are you at caring for toddlers.

  2. love this post! STill, even with all the hassles, it is great that you instilled a love of reading in your kids from the start. I did the same thing. I started reading to my daughter at 3months too and now she has a love for books as well. She will even sit in the corner on her own and flip through pages of books. It's so important....great mommy job!

  3. Haha.. isn't it amazing how much we change as mothers over the years??

  4. We love the library! We're also addicted to second hand bookstores. And toothpaste has to be the stickiest bonding substance out there - I got some in my hair last week and it's still there...

  5. I miss going to the library. We're also on a first name basis with our librarian. I would take my oldest in there all the time when she was small. Then she learned how to crawl and was all over the place. That ended my trips to the library. have 2 more totally killed.
    I still chat with the librarian when we run into her at walmart. It's just not the same.

  6. Dang it!! I just left the best comment and the internet demons ate it! Anyway, it was all to say that I love the library too. Very very much. But my son Diego (who is a terror on wheels in the library) has made it difficult as of late, because he thinks the library is a good place to good and pull hundreds of books off the shelves so he can climb to the top of Mt. Book and scream his head off. Yes, we are favorites in the library too. Or not. Anyway, I think that book you mentioned about passionate sex and being tired sounds like one I need to get. Is it a real book? Cuz I'm for reals. It sounds right up my alley.

  7. It is so great that you are raising such readers! You have given them a great gift.

  8. a first grade teacher it is never too early to start reading!

  9. OK I LOVE your blog! Thanks for following - I am your newest follower now!

  10. Hilarious..This sounds exactly like me! I am your newest follower from the social parade, I would love it if you would check me out and follow me.

    Thanks, Mellisa

  11. lol i hear ya. I got a free library card. Now I know why they give them for free. Had to pay a late fee for a book and haven't been back since. I'd rather buy a new book and keep it. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I'm following you back:


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