Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And the Award for the world's WORST MOM goes to.....

 This is a very disturbing clip. Last year, bus driver Michael Hubbard was doing his routine night run when he came within inches of running over a baby sitting in the middle of the street. The baby, Destiny, got out of her house because it is believed the door was unlocked. Now Catherine Gonzales, Destiny’s mother, is in danger of losing her children to San Antonio, Texas Child Services

"It could happen to anybody in the world" ???Are you freaking kidding me?? I don't think so!!! This bitch is crazy! Baby Destiny was 14 months old, what the hell was the kid doing up that late? They said "the girls were getting ready for bed"? What 14 month old baby gets themselves ready for bed at that time of night? Shouldn't that little girl have been sleeping for 4+ hours already? Catherine, the award winning mother, said "How could that happen"? It happened because you were sitting on your fat ass NOT watching your kids!!! Hey Cathy...you suck and I hope Child protective services does just that...protects your girls! Get a clue and pay attention to your girls! "things like this do happen"? No, things like this don't happen! You are most deserving of the World's Worst Mom and perhaps even warranting a special appearance on this week's Throat Punch Thursday! 12 feet woman! That's all that came between your baby and a bus! Think about that!


  1. oh my gosh! thats terrible! i would have been flipping out! how do you not know where your baby is? And he didn't even say anything!!

  2. Oh, it makes my heart almost stop. Bless that bus driver for stopping. Can you imagine living with that?

  3. This is sick. I hope they do protect those girls. It's so sad...

  4. I saw this on the news and it is the worst thing that I have ever seen in my life.. Some people should not have children in their care,...

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    Staycee ( Survey Junkie )

  5. What really bothers me about this is the fact that the Mom shirks all responsibility. I mean, how was she supposed to know that the baby had escaped through the unlatched front door?Oooh, yeah she was supposed to be keeping an eye on her kid. Isn't that what parents do? The more she spoke int he interview ( or her sister spoke for her) the more irritated and convinced I became that those kids should be removed from her care until she takes , at the very least, some parenting classes and admits responsibility!

  6. This is such an important reminder to always be vigilant when it comes to child safety.


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