Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love is....

My 5 year old just saw this posting and said, "You are not posting those pictures of me!"
Me: "Yes, I am. Why?"
5 yo,"Because I look like a FREAK! Look at that bandaid!"
At this point I am losing it. ( Really, the "bandaid" that's what she thinks is making her look like a FREAK:) LOL What about the GIANT Bunny head? I think they both look adorable.That's why I titled this post LOVE IS.... because they are my absolute LOVE (even when they are driving me bonkers)!


  1. I didn't even see the band aide until it was pointed out. They are cute... My kids love balloon projects.

  2. I had to back and look for the band-aid, too. That is hilarious.


Love to hear your thoughts on my truth! Please leave some love, insight , or even disagreement with mine. I believe in free thought and speech. Happy Mothering!!