Thursday, April 29, 2010

Daddies and their daughters

Bella & Daddy before their first Daddy/Daughter Dance 2009; she was 3.


  1. Thanks Jennifer. I was sniffing all over the place. I had told my husband in no uncertain terms that this was her first 'date' and he was setting the tone for all the other men who would come into her pressure:) He got her a cute little corsage and opened her door ( cause he had to strap her into her car seat!LOL) and they danced and he pulled out her chair, held the doors, and all that good stuff. She came home glowing. Her and her little sister already tell me they want to marry Daddy when they grown up..I think that night sealed the deal. Next year, both girls will be going and I will be at home alone...sobbing slightly as I drink a glass of wine in peace for the first time in years:)


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